Girl Doesn’t Respond to Text

Got a girl’s number? Done. She’s interested too? Check. You have the desire and
ambition to push the interaction to a place you both want to go? Check.

You are ready to make the first move. You are ready to put yourself on the line for
something you care about. Developing a relationship with a new woman, but the
girl doesn’t respond to text.

Like many other things, the internet has your back. It is a giant resource of
information to help people get to their most desired goals. We at TextDino are here
to help with your first specific goal – getting girl to respond to your texts.
Knowing the 7 Deadly Texting Mistakes is an important step to fixing the bad habits that
kill your text-game. Get the 7 Deadly Texting Mistakes free pdf here.

4 Steps When a Girl Doesn’t Respond to Text

When we talk about girls not texting back, we talk about preventing flaking.
Flaking is anything a girl does to stall the forward momentum of an interaction.

-You want to meet up with a girl, she doesn’t show up
-You try to initiate a text conversation, she doesn’t bite
-She avoids talking to you in person

Those types of things are all considered flaking. The simplest form of flaking
is when the girl doesn’t respond to your texts – and that’s what we’re going over
in this article.

Why do you text girls? Ideally, you text a girl to eventually shoot for a
meet-up – but if the girl doesn’t text back, you’re toast.

So let’s talk about some ways to eliminate text flaking

1. Make a strong connection when getting her number for the first time.

People don’t flake when the stakes are high. They have something to lose. If your
interaction with a woman creates a strong connection, she feels like she now knows
you as a person. She doesn’t want to lose this connection with you. This means
she’ll want to see you again. It may be hard, but it’s simple to understand.

Now imagine you meet a girl who you aren’t so sure about. So you decide you’re not
going to chase her. Then suddenly she blows up your phone by texting you every day.
Kinda makes you even less interested huh?

In order to make it easiest for her to text back, make sure to make a strong
connection during your first interaction. Make inside jokes, think about shared
interests you two have. Keep unfinished threads in your conversation for you
to finish later.

2. Once you start texting with a girl – end with a question.
Most of the time a guy texts a girl, his texts don’t end in a question. Lots of
these times guys don’t get text responses from the girl. The goal is to build a
mini-compliance ladder that gets you more compliance from the girl so you can
lead it to a meet-up. If you don’t aim to get this compliance, you are allowing
the momentum to fade away. One way to get compliance is by asking questions.

3. Keep the interaction fun
People in general are more likely to communicate with you if you are non-threatening
and you contribute to an overall sense of fun and well-being. Although it is easier
to do this in person, you can stil do that over text by sending short burts of
fun times. Don’t bring up logical topics that are hard to explain over text. Keep
it sweet and simple.

4. Don’t be too needy.
If a girl isn’t responding to your texts, there’s a good chance that you’re being
too needy. I’ve heard occasions of guys texting a girl 30 times a day. That is
ridiculous. The easiest way to get a response from a girl is to appear like you
have a life busy with great things. They will then emotionally invest in you and
chase you.

It’s an old saying that people want things they can’t have. Being too needy over
text gives a girl a reason to not respond. Instead, give her good reasons to
text back and meet-up with you. That’s what you do when a girl doesn’t respond to text.

I decided to create a “girl doesn’t reply cheat sheet” for you. I give you examples of
“hook texts” to send a girl when she doesn’t respond.  Grab your free copy now.

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