How Long Should You Wait to Text a Girl

You meet a girl, and she gives you her number. Awesome.
How long should you wait to text a girl? Do you text her right away?
Wait till the next day to text?

How about following the famous “3 day rule?” See, if you wait 3 days, her attention
to you might start to fade. This is because for women, emotions = attention. So if
you stop triggering her emotions for a few days, you start losing her attention.

Similarly, a girl will give you her attention when you trigger her emotions in person.
Then you have a higher chance of getting her number.

After you get the number, you have to engage those emotions again when you text her.
(Check out this video that reveals 3 texts that trigger her emotions and
get her out on a date with you)

The longer you waste time wondering how long to wait to text a girl, the less success you’ll have. That is because the longer you wait before sending the first text, the less vibrant the emotional memory she has of you.

For example, if you meet a girl on Friday, text her Saturday morning or afternoon.
That way you are still fresh on her mind. Avoid sending the first text on a Saturday
night since she might be out with her friends.

Below are some ways to text a girl you just met..

3 Examples of Ways to Text Her After Meeting Her

1. Connect with an Inside Joke

It is important to make a smooth transition from getting her phone in person to
texting the girl. Being in front of a woman is a different mode of interaction
than when you are communicating with her via text. If there is attraction, she digs
the whole combo of your body language, character, and energy you are giving off.
You can’t do that over text, so the only way she’ll feel that again is she
remembers what it was like to interact with you.

Remind her of a connection you two had when you met.

It can be…

-Something interesting about the place you were at.

-Call back humor to something she kept laughing at throughout the night.
Mention something about a conversation you two were talking about.
(unfinished conversation threads)

-Tease her over the phone in the same manner you teased her in person.

-Use similar words you used when talking face-to-face

– In general, re-open the conversation thread of anything she laughed at when you
saw her.

2. Anecdote about your day

Sometimes, you meet a girl, and you don’t talk very much, yet there’s still enough
attraction and body language “chemistry” such that you get her number to connect
with her later.

Since you never truly connected in person, you can’t remind her of that connection
over text.

How do you send an initial text in this situation?

Well, the way we start any connection is to share something about ourselves.
Start off with a funny, or interesting anecdote about your day.

“Just had a cup of coffee that must have been crafted by the hand of ZEUS.. delish”

“hope your day is going divine as well ;]”

Notice how I connect in the 2nd text by also mentioning how her day is going.

3. Flirt

When you get the girl’s number, you casually mention that you are a casual texter.
Then you can text her something like,

“is it too soon for casual text? I mean I just met you, maybe we should wait!”
(credit Sinn)

Can you see how much more fun and interesting this text is compared to the boring “Hey”,”What’s up”, and “How r u” texts all the other guys send?

Let’s review. How long should you wait to text a girl? Generally, timing doesn’t
matter if you had a really good interaction. So it typically doesn’t matter how long a guy waits to text. But if you’re not sure that she likes you, it’s better to text her soon (the next day). That way she has you fresh in her mind. Strike while the iron is hot!

If you’re thinking of texting a girl soon, I recommend that you watch this video on the 3 texts that get a girl out. You’ll also learn how to reply to her various responses and how to instantly get out of the friendzone. Bottom line, it will “pimp” your text game. Watch the video now.