How To Text A Girl You Like

This new digital age has brought us new methods of communication
with women. That being said, it is important to know what kind of
messages to send a woman. Not knowing the rules for texting girls
might lead to screwing up with a girl who previously liked you.

What are the best SMS messages to send?
Let’s go over some rules on how to text a girl you like.

Rule 1: Be Inconsistent With Your Messages

Girls are intrigued by men they can’t figure out. Always texting a
girl right away after she sends you a message makes you predictable
and boring.

If you keep her guessing, she will never know when your next text
will come. She will look forward to your texts in anticipation.

My girlfriend told me she used to constantly check her phone when we
started dating – she couldn’t concentrate at work because she was
always wondering if I had sent her a text.

That is how you text a girl you like in a way that captures her

Rule 2:  Always Appear to Be Having a Good Time

Always have an upbeat attitude when you text a girl. You want her
to also feel your positive and fun emotion which, in turn, will lead
to good things.

Sometimes guys text a girl because they have nothing better to do.
So they text her, “What’s up, I’m bored”. This is completely
uninteresting plus you are expecting her to lead and create
entertainment for you. Putting the burden of leading on a girl is a
big no-no and not masculine.

Act as if you are having the most epic adventure ever, and she will
associate you with good times.

Rule 3:  Keep Your Messages Short And Flirtatious

Don’t text her your entire life story. The key is to keep your texts
short and to the point while keeping them fun. Something she will
enjoy getting from you. Tease her, say funny things, or use flirty
humor. If you aren’t sure what lines are flirty, check out the
teasing and banter line cheat sheet. That is how to text a girl you
like in a way that keeps things fun.

Rule 4: Use Sms to Get You in Her Mind

When a girl constantly thinks about you, she starts to convince
herself that she likes you. This means that it’s a good idea to send
texts to get you into her mind. One way to do this is to send her
random text messages throughout the week that bring a positive
association with you. The purpose of these texts is to give her a
brief peek of your personality and to make her smile or laugh, not
necesarily to start a text conversation with her or to get a meet
up. Therefore, you don’t need to reply when she texts back. These
texts should be used during periods of time when you are too far or
too busy too meet-up. Plan the “asking her out” for a later time.