How to Text Girls Examples

You should have the mindset of self-amusement without worrying
about the result. This suggest that your emotions are independent
of getting the girl, which is very attractive. Right about now you
probably want to learn how to text girls examples. So I’ll give you
some ideas of funny and silly things to text girls.

1. Funny Pictures

Smartphones these days can do amazing things. One of the obvious
ones is sending pictures. This can lead to ackward images of body
parts, or — hilarious pictures! For example, girls love cat pictures.
Eithern the really cute ones of furry kittens, or one of those
funny conceited cats that know everything.

There’s a sea of funny images you can search for online. If you
and a girl have an inside joke going on, google image search to
see if there’s already a meme made about it. You can even get
creative and craft your own meme.

5 Steps to Create Your Own Meme:

1. Find a suitable picture
2. Edit it in paint or another editor
3. Add large white text to it
4. Save to .jpg
5. Send it out to people to test how funny it is

2. Jokes

Jokes are convenient because they’re short enough to fit in the
text space. Since people tend to consume bite-sized chunks of
entertainment at a time, jokes are perfect. In fact, really short
and stupid jokes get some of the great responses, and if you get a
girl laughing, it’s much easier to get a “yes!” when you ask her to
meet up with you.

Funny jokes to text a girl

– Knock Knock jokes
Knock knock.. who’s there?.. Orange..Orange who?..Orange you gona say you miss me?

– Short one-liners
Q: What did the elephant say to the naked man? A: How do you breathe through that thing

3. Funny Things to Text a Girl Examples

“Made you look”
– Little kid playground humor. If she’s playful about it, then she’s
got a good sense of humor.

“Help, my apartment is being invaded by Smurfs. How do I kill them?”
– Playful roleplay. If she plays along, then she’s a cool girl.

“I saw an eagle fighting a shark today and thought of you”
– Illogical hilarious text to text to a bunch of girls to see who responds.

Actually, you can mass text these messages to a bunch of a girls on
your contact list to test which messages work based on the way girls
reply to your text. Around 3 or 4 positive replies out of 10 is
pretty good.

You can try this on all the girls that have previously gone “cold”-
the girls you tried to meet up with, but never made it happen, or
got a response. This is also called zombie texting. You’ve got
nothing to lose and even if you re-activate one it’s worth it.

These how to text girls examples above should give you an idea of
how to make texting with girls fun. Remember that your main goal
is to get her out on a date to get to know her in person, not
through text. There are 3 types of texts you can send
to get a girl out on a date. Check them out here.