She Doesn’t Text Back

It drives you NUTS. The girl seems to be into you. She replies to your texts, laughs
at your jokes, yet all of a sudden, she doesn’t text back. You go through all the
possibilities. Maybe you said something wrong, or maybe she’s losing interest. Hell,
she even might be talking to someone else.

Why do girls stop texting?

Why She Doesn’t Text Back (3 Possible Reasons)

1. She’s Busy
First of all, it might not have anything to do with you. She can be busy with work
or school. Or she can be out with friends or family. If she’s an attractive girl,
she probably has a life.

2. Your Last Text Didn’t Require a Response
You might assume that she’s engaged in the text conversation, but if your last text
isn’t a question, a girl might not feel the need to reply. Especially if the text
doesn’t make her feel an emotion. Many girls don’t take texts seriously and they
don’t think it’s rude to not reply. That’s why it’s a big mistake to get into text
conversations with a girl.

3. You’re Boring Her
If your texts don’t make her feel an emotion, chances are, she might not respond to
you. Texts like “Hey”,”What’s up”, or “How are you” contain no value and definitely don’t spark her emotions. Make her laugh, make her curious, or make her feel suspense.

One way you can make her curious is to send hook texts. I provide some examples of
these curiosity sparking texts in the girl doesn’t text back cheat sheet. (grab it here)

Step-By-Step On What to Do When a Girl Doesn’t Text Back

1. Forget about it. Analyzing what may have gone wrong wastes too much of our
time and energy. Pretend it never happened and act as if everything is fine
(as it most likely is).
2. Wait a few days to text her back. Now before you text her again, I highly suggest
you grab the 7 texting mistakes report here. If you don’t, you might still be committing
bad texting habits that lead to girls not responding to your texts.

Now it’s time to text her, so you send a hook text. A hook text is something that
makes her really curious.

For example, if your best friend texts you
“Funniest thing happened to me today…!”

You’ll want to know the story of what happened.

You might then text him “What?!”

See how his text made you reply?
If he had revealed what the funny thing was on his first text, you wouldn’t be
as curious.

So you text a girl something like
“lol.. is it true?”

She will probably reply.

I provide my 3 favorite hook texts in the “girl doesn’t text back cheat sheet,”
which you can grab right now.

After the girl replies to your hook text, make up something ridiculous about her.
If she works at McDonald’s say something like

“I heard you are the employee of the month so they awarded you with coupons…now
we can have that McDonald’s candelit date we’ve always dreamed about!”

This text works because you give her comedic value. Everything is made up.
The fact that she works at McDonald’s might be the only thing you know about her.

After you two have a fun text exchange, propose a get-together and get her OUT.
Having long conversations are meant to be in person, not text.

When she doesn’t text back, relax and understand that girls do this all the time.
It might not have anything to do with you, or it might. If your texts don’t
make her smile, laugh, or feel any kind of emotion, then you might be boring her. One way to instantly improve your text-game is to stop making these 7 texting
mistakes. Grab the pdf report right now.