What to Text a Girl You Like

Text messaging allows you to flirt in different ways that weren’t
possible before cell phones came around. It helps to know how to talk
to a girl over text since it’s very different than having a conversation
on the phone, or a conversation in person. It’s very important to know
what to text a girl you like depending on the situation. Here are
some basic tips to get you started in your quest to become a better
texter, and get you dating the girl you like as soon as possible.

1. Be Subtle

Texting is an art. There is a way to let a girl know you like her
without being too obvious or going over the top. Here is what guys
normally do (if you’re on this page, chances are you might have done
this before).

– You hide your interest because you’re too scared that
the girl will find out and it’ll ruin everything.


– You tell her you like her by being giving her too many flattering
compliments, or you make it a very big moment when you tell her,
“I wanted to let you know that……..I like you.”
Just like in the movies right? Except this isn’t as effective in real
life as in Hollywood.

Instead of *saying it*, you’ve got to *show* or *suggest* that you
are interested in this girl romantically or sexually.

This means don’t text her twenty-five times a day, and don’t
constantly compliment her. When girls get over-complimented, they
feel that you want something in return. They get a not-quite-right-
gut-feeling. You’ll need to send just a few texts. Any more will make
you seem coming on too strong and desperate

2. Be Humorous

With all the other things going on in a life, a girl will find it
hard to respond to boring texts. Think of funny things to text a girl,
so that it catches her attention and puts a smile on her face. You
want her to remember that you made her smile during that boring day
at work. How do you find funny texts? Chances are your friends
send you these things all the time. A meme, a funny poem, a joke, or
something funny that you experienced that day. The fact that you send
her these things implies that you are thinking of her and it suggests
that you like her.

3. Use Emoticons

Use emoticons every once in a while when you text a girl you like.
Smiley faces and other graphics add flavor to your texts. Without
emoticons, it can be hard to tell whether or not you are serious,
trying to be funny, trying to flirt, or even implying a sexual innuendo.
Girls know a lot more about flirting than guys do. This is great because
we want girls to “get it” when we’re flirting with her. Remember this
when you are thinking of what to text a girl you like.

The following example illustrates how smileys affect the meaning of
your texts.

Girl: God, the test was so hard 🙁
Guy: I’m sorry it’s so hard!

Very innocent and normal.

How about instead…

Girl: God, the test was so hard 🙁
Guy: I’m sorry it’s so hard! 😉

Now that winky makes a BIG difference. Before, the guy was consoling
the girl. Now he’s consoling the girl with sex in his mind. This is
another way to imply your interest without blatantly saying “let’s have sex.”

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